Lets we see in this article, how to install localhost and install WordPress in windows 7. Those who are new blogger or WordPress newbie’s and new freelancers this article is helpful to setup their own local hosting on their computer and install WordPress to develop websites/ blogs/ e-commerce shopping sites and portfolios but remember this will not visible in google its just for practice only for beginners of WordPress to develop websites or theme development or plugins development.

How to install Localhost XAMPP and WordPress in windows 7 64bit | 32bit

Localhost is useful for learning and making tutorials on the WordPress websites. Let’s follow the below step to setup local server and WordPress on your own pc (windows 7 – 64bit or 32bit)

download the latest version of XAMPP for windows 7
  • Download the latest version of WordPress from WordPress.org
download latest wordpress
download latest wordpress
  • Now open the XAMPP and click to run
localhost setup
localhost opening
  • Click next
click next XAMPP
  • If you need all thing you can go through or only for WordPress, select only Apache, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin.
select requied host options
  • Click next
choose destrination
  • Click where you want to install (destination folder) and click next
localhost server
  • Uncheck the option and click next
click next
  • It will take several minutes to install it
installing local server
 local server setup finished
  • Click finish
  • Now XAMPP control panel will open, click to start the Apache and MySQL modules
run the apche and mysql
running host
  • If windows firewalls open click to allow access
allow localhost access for windows
  • Now open your browser and search URL: localhost
first view of server installation
  • Now extract your downloaded WordPress zip file
  • Cut and paste the WordPress folder in the location : C:\xampp\htdocs
  • Search on browser: localhost/WordPress/wp-admin
setup wordpress
 install wordpress in windows 7
  • Click continue and next. Now here you have to setup the database for your website
  • To setup the database goto URL: localhost/phpmyadmin/creating local database user
  • Now to create a new database click New on the left menu and give the new database name ->  for collation select utf8_general_ci  -> click create.
create user
create user
setup database
  • To create user click user account under created database fill the details (user_name & password)
  • Now go to URL: localhost/wordpress/
creating user for wordpress
wordpress install
creating admin for wordpress
  • Set to enter the database name, username, password, and directory
 final step
  • The successful installation shows run install
  • Click run install and enter the site title, username, and password for WordPress login credentials
 wpadmin login
  • Click login
  • Now enter your username and password which you created for WordPress login
  • Finally, WordPress installed and final look of backend dashboard
successful installtion of wordpress
  • Enjoy the practices for WordPress web development

if anyone hasn’t installed or faced any error please comment on below to get a solution for a problem

In the next lesson, we create WordPress Theme Development required folders and required template files to install the basic theme in WordPress Panel.


I am a Digital Marketer, Blogger, Web Design and Developer, I have 3 years of experience in all fields. I have built the websites using HTML, CSS, javascript, WordPress and using some frameworks. I am familiar with Facebook Marketing, SEO, Web Design & Development.


  1. I am searching on google how to install WordPress on localhost and I find your post. And after reading your article, hopefully, now we can install WordPress easily. Thank you!

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