Looking to find the right keyword for your blog post/website to get high traffic and rank on Google. And you are in beginner’s stage in blogging or kickstart to promote your start-up business website and you don’t have enough budget to spent on best popular keyword research tools. You stuck to finding the right keyword and enough confused with mess off with all free keyword research tools. 

I will show you some of the List of free keyword research tools which will show exact search volume, CPC and CTR. Some paid tools also I advise, but they are limited to the free version.

If you don’t know how to find the right keyword for your blog post, then go to see the process of finding the right keyword with free keyword tools.

List of free keyword research tools, Checkout How they fulfil your work easy

  1. Google Trends
  2. Answer The Public
  3. Google Keyword Planner Tool
  4. Google Search Console
  5. Google Search Engine
  6. Ubersuggest
  7. MOZ Keyword Explorer
  8. Keywordtool.io
  9. Keyword Everywhere
  10. Surfer
  11. Keyword Shitter Tool
  12. Soovle

First, we start with google products which are available all tools for free. So, we utilize first those tools to find the right keyword to drive the traffic…

Google Trends: (free Keyword Tool)

Google trends are one of the best tools for SEO and it shows exact results, by using this tool you can find the niche topics/trending topics to write the blog posts on related to trending. It has filters i.e targeting areas, filtering by categories, filtering web search (images, youtube, google search, news ) and at last filtering days/ months/years.

By using Google Trends you can find a particular topic is popular at which location and find related search queries with the topic is raising or out breaking.

Analysis of Traffic Trend In Google Trends - Free Keyword Research Tool
Observe the outbreak & raising traffic particular queries

As you observe from the above image which shows how the topic is a trend worldwide with related search queries which are outbreak and some are raising. You must concentrate on raising topics.

Answer The Public: (free tool)

This tool will give you keyword ideas. While you preparing the content related to a particular topic you need some structure flow of the readability. This tool provides the questioning on a particular topic in different ways and if you have difficulty finding the title of the post you can find it here. Check the below image which shows the different ways of questioning SEO(Search Engine Optimization).

Google Keyword Planner Tool: (free keyword tool)

Google keyword planner tool is the number one best choice for keyword search and it is free which you can find it in the Tools section in Google Adwords account. It has all types of filters and gives accurate CPC, volume, CTR and competition. The search volume will display in kilos (Ex: 1k – 10k) to unlock and see the exact search volume.

Tip: Run the Google Ads, spent at least Rs.1000/- or 500/- per month.

By running the Google Ads you can unlock to see the exact search volume. Doesn’t worry about for money at the initial stage you need the traffic to your website and brand awareness, based on those run the ads to get some traffic to your website and parallel unlock those tools. To know more about the difference between running ads account and without ads account in Google keyword planner to go through with it. Observe the below-listed images which show the difference of with & without Ads account.

Paid Google keyword planner
Google Keyword Planner with Running Ads
Free Google keyword planner
Google Keyword Planner without Running Ads

To get more details about the difference between paid and free in google keyword planner to go through this article.

Google Search Console: (free)

This is one way to find the right keyword for your blog post with Best Queries in Google Search Console with high search volume, impressions and clicks on your blog post. You can observe all these matrices in your Google Search Console under the performance section.

Google Search Console Query Search Keyword finder
Observe the Total clicks, impressions, CTR & Avg position
Google Search Console Search Query
Observe the what type of queries you ranking on

From the above image, you can observe the data is the last 3 months. By here you can list out the search queries to your blog post and clickable rate with impression & locations.

Google Search Engine:

The best way to search long-tail keywords with accurate is by google search engine. After finding the targeting keyword you need to list out the Long Tail Keywords where the user general search. Google Search Engine by default it will suggest the search queries where other users also search the same topic in different ways. Check the below images where you get it.

Ubersuggest: (free keyword research tool)

Ubersuggest is the best alternative to Google Keyword Planner & it’s free keyword research tool owned by Neil Patel. I recommend this tool after the Google Keyword Planner the free & accurate data provided by it. It shows search volume and CPC, simpler website who already post this topic with Domain score and social shares. You can also find your competitors for your blog post.

ubersuggest tool

MOZ Keyword Explorer: (free limited)

Generally, MOZ Toolbar used for competitor analysis & SEO auditing, but there is an option you can finding targeting keywords with accurate search volume including your competitors.

MOZ free Keyword Research Tool
Observe the monthly volume, CTR, Keyword Difficulty & Keyword Priority

Note: Those who not ready invest to run the ads in Adwords to unlock the accurate search query. I will suggest you follow the MOZ keyword tool, after listing out the keywords in google keyword planner you can check the accurate search query in MOZ keyword tool.

Keywordtool.io: (paid & free limited)

Before finding keywords you need some suggested keywords relative to your targeted keyword. It is a paid tool to access all the features of it. Don’t worry we no need to pay it, for the free version it shows the relative keywords. By using these keywords you can search the volume / CPC of the keyword by using google keyword planner which is listed below in this article.

keywordtool io

Keyword Everywhere: (free for limited & paid)

Keyword Everywhere is an add-on plugin supported with chrome browser and Mozilla Firefox. Get add-on this to your browser it is similar to SEO quake but it will show the results of particular keyword CPC, volume and competitions. It shows this result by comparing keyword around 15+ keyword tools like Google AdWords, youtube, MOZ Open Site-Explorer, Majestic, UberSuggest, Google analytics, Amazon keywords planner, bing webmaster tools, Google search console, Soovle.com, answer the public, keyword shitter and many more.

Note: Since from December 2019 this tool not provided for free. Still, it will useful for keyword ideas. It was working based on buying credits, by using those credits you can unlock the full data.

keywords everywhere

Surfer: (free Keyword research tool)

Surfer is an Addon Chrome extension which is similar to Keyword Everywhere. You may use this tool instead of the Keyword Everywhere Tool. Surfer Keyword Tool list out the keyword ideas with including search volume, CPC & competition.

surfer free keyword research tool chrome extension
Observe the Search Volume & Similarity Keywords

Keyword shitter Tool: (free Keyword Research Tool)

This tool only suggests the related keywords according to your targeting keyword. It will show all keywords which may be useful to find the title of topics and as well to stuff long-tail keywords in your blog post / on the website.

Note: Keywordsheeter –  functionality similar to keyword shitter.

keyword shitter tool free keyword research tools

Soovle: (free Tool for Keyword Suggestion in different Browsers)

Soovle is another free keyword research tool alternate to keyword everywhere, it will suggest and show keyword search volume, CPC comparing with different platforms tools – Google, Wikipedia, Bing, YouTube, Yahoo, answer.com and amazon.com

soovle free keyword research tools


I have listed the above tools are free which are helpful new bees who are kicked to start their blogs. If you have any other suggested tools please comment below which may useful to others.


I am a Digital Marketer, Blogger, Web Design and Developer, I have 3 years of experience in all fields. I have built the websites using HTML, CSS, javascript, WordPress and using some frameworks. I am familiar with Facebook Marketing, SEO, Web Design & Development.


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